21 July 2006

Oh Israel, what have you done now?

Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Olmert was born the three years before the re-establishment of the State of Israel and has been in politics since 1981. Being a former soldier and a volunteer in the IDF, one would think that he would have some sense of history.

One could argue, and I would, that Israel has the right to protect itself against all aggressors internal and otherwise, and the abduction of two of it's soldiers is certainly a grievous act of aggression. One could also argue that if a nation will not do it's part to rid itself of aggressors (Lebanon to Hezbollah) then the aggrieved nation would have recourse to invasion. But is it prudent?

In June of 1914, Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (AHE). This Sarajevo-assassination launched a string of dominos that could not be stopped. The AHE declared war on Serbia, and was assisted by Germany. Russia came to the defense of Serbia. Germany invaded Luxembourg, and France and Britain came to the defense of the small Nation-State, and all hell broke loose.

Now imagine this in the Middle East ninety-some-odd years later, where tensions run high as it is, and many pundits, mullahs and heads of government have declared their intention and desire to "push Israel into the sea." I'm not sure how wise it is to unilaterally bombard, and attack another nation when you are literally surrounded by Lebanon's allies. One must assume that if Lebanon is threatened (read invaded), Syria will come to their aid, Yemen, Jordan, Iran and Egypt, who itself must still be seething from the effects of the 6 Day war, accompanied by the entire host of fundamentalist Islamic nations who are vehemently opposed to the very existence of Israel. One must also recognize the likeliness of the United States, the World's last super-power, getting involved; as well as the United Kingdom and possibly even the United Farce, er Nations becoming embroiled in the conflict, as it was by United Nations 1947 Partition Plan that the State of Israel was created.

I just simply ask that you reflect upon this brief recap of history and this vague prediction of the future if Israel continues on it's course. I would be happy for your comments and observations.

With great fear and trepidation that we are standing on the threshold of World War III and, God forbid, a nuclear conflict I remain yours,


"We will fight terror wherever it is because if we do not fight it, it will fight us. If we don't reach it, it will reach us."
- Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, Israeli ACoS

Edit: Apparently Frm. Secretary of State Madeline Albrite agrees with me. ( Watch ) this FoxNews interview.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it is lovely to see someone else who recalls the francis ferdanand assassination and the domino effect that occurred moments afterwards-
It is problematic the complications that would arise because of what has been happening- and WWIII is inevitable- though- with the introduction of nuclear warfare.. i shudder to think about what the countries could do this time (after seeing how badly affected Hiroshima and Nagasaki were)
lovely blog! :)